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Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

오나라 《呼唤》 Onara (Dae Jang Geum Soundtrack)

오나라 오나라 아주 오나
o na ra o na ra a ju o na
伊人欲來 何時歸來
Come! Come! Come to stay. (Would he come would he come, if I told him to come?)
來吧 來吧 真正來了嗎
가나라 가나라 아주 가나
ka na ra ka na ra a ju ka na
伊人欲去 何時離去
Leave! Leave! Leave for good. (Would he go, would he go, if I told him to go?)
去吧 去吧 真正去了嗎
나나니 다려도 못노나니
na na ni ta ryo do mou no na ni
我欲乘風飛翔 卻遍尋不著伊人蹤影
Even we fly around to pass by, we cannot play around together. (Even if I wait a thousand years we could never keep accompany)
即使飛回通過, 也不能一起遊玩
아니리 아니리 아니노네
a ni ri a ni ri a ni no ne
伊人何在 留我獨自失落
No! No! We cannot stay together! (No, no, we could never be)
不 不 不能一起遊玩啊
헤이야 디이야 헤이야 나라니노
he i ya di i ya he i ya na ra ni no
唉喲 這該如何是好
La la la (Koreans “choo-im-sae”, fill in to stimulate the feeling of the song)
오지도 못하나 다려가마
o ji do mo ta na ta ryo ka ma
伊人你若不歸 請帶我一起離去
Even though you will not come, I will go! (You might as well take me out of here, since he won’t come)
헤이야 디이야 헤이야 나라니노
he i ya di i ya he i ya na ra ni no
唉喲 這該如何是好
La la la
오지도 못하나 다려가마
o ji do mo ta na ta ryo ka ma
伊人你若不歸 請帶我一起離去
Even though you will not come, I will go!
This song is from a traditional korean genre called “pansori”. It’s very heavy and sad. The language used in this song is unintelligible to the majority of Koreans as well, as is in the form of an ancient Korean poem, and when Daejanggeum aired, people were perplexed as to what the song might mean.
There are a few explanations of the meaning of the songs. One is that this is a sad song depicting the hearts of palace maids in Joseon Dynasty era in which they spend their whole lives hoping the king will notice her. The king cannot come and go as she wishes, and she feels sad that he does not know her love for him. It’s a regret for the maid since now she has to grow old all alone without ever having a relationship with the king. Most will never even get the king’s attention, they would tell themselves ‘oh nuh ra oh nuh ra ah joo oh ra’ (come come really come) as a good luck to themselves.

Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Lovely Friends

Dina Amalina,.
Kesan pertama,.. ramah hhaa, nyapa gue saat di Auditorium.
Yuup,.. entah apa yg kita omongin,. kalo jalan dari kampus sampai kost2an ketawaaaaa ngakaak :) haaa. Banyak lah unforgettable moment sm dy :D mulai dr dikejar anjing sampai dy yg nangis telpon gr2 gue gak bs ngampus 2 bulan,...
Oooh cipluuk,.. hiks, terharu!!

Pratiwi Retno Y.
Gak tau knp ini gak pernah nyebutin apa itu "Y" pada nama belakangnya. Whatever lah,.. heee. Menurut gue sih ya,. she's smart but klo lg ngomongin Japan2 gilaanya gak ketulungan hahahha.
Gila bola dan sepertinya penganut ilmu mistik karena ngefans bgt sm yg namanya "JIN" wkwkwk!! Piss.
Dan MASTUR adlh ********xxxxxx teeetttt! hahaha.

Rizky Utami
Oh yang satu ini,. paling kalem hahaa,.. jarang ngambek mgkin bukan krna berhati malaikat tp cm kurang ekspresif aja hahaha pisss pisss.
Menurut hikayat, nama cowoknya itu Ozy hahaha. Dan yg paling gue nggak ngerti itu knp dy suka bgt sm SNSD??? ohh sepertinya dy hafal semua gerakan dance SNSD ya iyalah,. sebelum tidur dy pasti praktik dance smbil ngliatin video SNSD wkwkwk....

Music on Your Blog!

Bagi sebagian blogger,. menambahkan music (mp3) pada blog akan memberikan kesan yang menarik. So,.. I'll share how to add music on your blog. Cekidot :

   `Buka situs http://divine-music.info . Di situs ini kamu bisa pilih lagu apa yg akan km pasang di blog. Oh ya,. di situs tsb format lagunya .swf jadi lbh ringan 

     `Sudah dapet lagunya? Oke, skrg km bisa lihat ada kode yg harus kamu copy,.
     `Masuk ke dashboard blogger >> Tata Letak >> Tambah Gadget>> Pilih HTML >> Paste kode tadi di kotak konten.
 `Save! Done!! Lets check your blog!

Gimana? Mudah kan? Itu td cm salah satu cara buat nambah mp3 di blog km, sebenernya sih msh banyak cara lain.. heee.
Semoga Bermanfaat :)